Friday, January 16, 2015

Obama supporting terror

As of Jan.14th/ 2015/Obama administration announces transfer of 5 Gitmo detainees; 4 to Oman (next to Yemen), 1 to Estonia /81 of remaining 127 prisoners are from Yemen (a major base of terror today). Former gitmo detainees led the Lybia attacks (that obama sat back and basically watched). Many of the former detainees believed to have joined Isis. / We all also heard obama say the future must not belong to those who insult the "prophet" of islam. Recently in France he (muhammad) was insulted and those who did this were murdered and the admisitration seemed to not want to be seen standing against them or for the French people when more than 40 other leaders of other countries were there to show their stance against Muslim terrorists. Obama wont even identify them as muslim or islamic even saying that Isis isnt islamic. Obama is a curse on the usa and those who side with humanity.…/us-announces-release-5-gitmo-deta…/

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