Monday, March 30, 2015

Adon HaMelech Moshiach

ואם יעמוד מלך מבית דוד הוגה בתורה ועוסק במצות כדוד אביו, כפי תורה בכתב ושבעל פה, ויכוף כל ישראל לילך בה ולחזק בדקה, וילחם מלחמות ה׳, הרי זה בחזקת שהוא משיח, אם עשה והצליח ובנה מקדש במקומו וקבץ נדחי ישראל הרי זה משיח בודאי, ויתקן את העולם כולו לעבוד את ה׳ ביחד שנאמר כי אז אהפוך אל עמים שפה ברורה לקרוא כולם בשם ה׳ ולעבדו שכם אחד.
If a king will arise from the House of David who delves deeply into the study of the Torah and, like David his ancestor, observes its mitzvos as prescribed by the Written Law and the Oral Law; if he will compel all of Israel to walk in [the way of the Torah] and repair the breaches [in its observance]; and if he will fight the wars of G-d – he is presumed to be Moshiach. If he succeeds in the above, builds the Beis Hamikdash on its site, and gathers in the dispersed remnant of Israel, he is definitely the Moshiach. He will then perfect the entire world, [motivating all the nations] to serve G-d together, as it is written (Zephaniah 3:9), "I will make the peoples pure of speech so that they will all call upon the Name of G-d and serve Him with one purpose".
By tradition some claim If Messiah is killed before fulfilling all these:
1.) Compel all of Israel to walk in the way of Torah 
2.) Repair the breaches in observance 
3.) Fight the wars of G-d 
4.) Build the Beis Hamikdash in its place 
5.) Gather in the dispersed exiles of Israel
...then he isnt Messiah which I see as a ideology only supported by those who saw the true Messiah as a threat (to their own social status and power) and didnt allow for all scripture to apply or even Jewish commenaries of many Jewish sages. This type of ideology was allowed to take hold that G-d's will be done.
אנו חײבים להאמין שבא יבא איש יהודי והוא יחל להושיע את ישראל והוא יגמור ישועת יעקב באותו הדור, ומי שיגמור הדבר הוא הוא ומי שלא יגמור באותו הדור ומת או נשבר או נשבה אינו הוא ולא אלקים שלחו.
We are obligated to believe that if a Jewish man comes and begins to save the Jews and he completes the salvation of Israel in that generation, if he finishes the job then he is [Moshiach]. However, whoever does not finish the job but dies or is broken or is captured then he is not [Moshiach] and G-d did not send him. 

ואם לא הצליח עד כה או נהרג, בידוע שאינו זה שהבטיחה עליו תורה... ולא העמידו הקדוש ברוך הוא אלא לנסות בו רבים.
But if he did not succeed in all this or was killed, he is definitely not the Moshiach promised in the Torah... and G-d only appointed him in order to test the masses.
אבל אמונתנו ואמונת כל יהודי שאם יבא אדם ויקבץ נדחי ישראל ויבנה מקדש וכל העמים יאספו אליו ויקראו כולם בשם קל אז נאמר כי הוא משיחנו. וכל מאמר שיאמר היפך זה יש לו פירוש.
Our belief and the belief of every Jew is that if a man comes, gathers the dispersed of Israel, builds the Temple, and all the nations gather to him and call out unanimously in the name of G-d, then we will say that he is Moshiach. Any statement that contradicts this has an explanation. (Shevet Yehuda p. 105)
 ולכאורה עכצ״ל שאין דוד המלך בעצמו מלך המשיח שיהי׳ ״נשיא להם לעולם״, שהרי תחילת פעולת מלך המשיח תהיה קודם הגאולה, כמבואר ברמב״ם (הל׳ מלכים פי״א ה״ד), ובודאי קודם תחײת המתים (גם דצדיקים הקמים מיד, כחז״ל (יומא ה,ב) משה ואהרן עמנו).
Evidently, we must say that David HaMelech cannot himself be the Melech HaMoshiach who will be "a leader for them forever" because the initial work of the Melech HaMoshiach will be before the redemption, as explained in the Rambam (Hilchos Melachim 11:4) and certainly before the resurrection (including the righteous who arise immediately, as Chazal say (Yoma 5b) "Moshe and Aharon with us"). (Likutei Sichos vol. 35 p. 206 n. 6) 

ואח״כ יעמוד מלך עז פנים שלשה חדשים, ואח״כ תמלוך מלכות הרשעה על ישראל תשעה חדשים... ויצמח להם משיח בן יוסף ויעלה אותם לירושלם ויבנה בית המקדש ויקריב קרבנות ותרד אש מן השמים ותאכל קרבנותיהם... אם לא זכו משיח בן אפרים בא ואם זכו משיח בן דוד ויעמוד מלך רשע ושמו ארמילוס... וישראל גולין למדברי אגמים לרעות במלוחים ובשרשי רתמים מ״ה ימים, ואז נבחנים ונצרפים שנאמר והבאתי את השלישית באש וגו׳. וימות שם משיח בן אפרים וישראל סופדים אותו, ואח״כ יגלה להם להם הקב״ה משיח בן דוד, וישראל ירצו לסקלו ואומרים לו שקר דברת שכבר נהרג משיח ואין משיח אחר עתיד לעמוד ויבזוהו... והוא חוזר לו ונכסה מהם... ובצר להם לישראל הם חוזרים וצועקים מרעב ומצמא ומיד נגלה להם בכבודו.
Afterwards, the evil government will rule over Israel for nine months... Moshiach ben Yosef will arise and then bring them to Jerusalem where they will build the Temple, offer sacrifices, and fire will come down from heaven and deavour the sacrifices... If they do not merit it, Moshiach ben Efraim [i.e. Yosef] will come but, if they merit it, Moshiach ben David will come. An evil king named Armelius will arise... He will go to Jerusalem and battle Moshiach ben Yosef in the east gate... The Jews will flee to the desert to feed on salt land and roots of weed for 45 days. They are then tested and purified as it says (Zechariah 13:9), "I will bring a third in fire..." Moshiach ben Efraim will die there and Israel will mourn him. After this, G-d will reveal to them Moshiach ben David and the Jews will want to stone him. They will say that he is lying because Moshiach was already killed and another Moshiach will not arise. They will insult him... and he will

ומלך המשיח יצמח שם... ויפיח באותו ארמילוס הרשע וימיתהו... והקב״ה שורק ומקבץ כל ישראל ומעלם ירושלם...
return and be concealed from them... After this, the Jews will return and cry out from hunger and thirst and G-d will immediately reveal Himself to them in His glory... The king Moshiach will arise there... and will blow at Armelius thereby killing him... G-d will whistle, gather all the Jews, and bring them to Jerusalem... (Otzar HaMidrashim p. 551)

(Moshiach is unknown to the Jews (Judasim) prior to him arising as Messiah Ben Yoseph (role of the 2nd Advent of Yeshua. )

ולענין היאך יעמוד משיח והיכן יעמוד הרי הוא יעמוד בארץ ישראל דוקא ובה תחל התגלותו... ולענין היאך יעמוד, הוא לא יודע כלל לפני עמדו והוא אינו משיח עד שיאמר פלוני בן פלוני מבית אב פלוני, אלא יעמוד אדם שאינו ידוע לפני התגלותו.
Regarding how and where Moshiach will arise, he will arise specifically in the land of Israel and there will begin his revelation... Regarding how he will arise, he will not be known at all before his arising while he is not the Moshiach, so that it would be said about him such-andsuch from such-and-such family. Rather, a man will arise who will be unknown before he is revealed. (Iggeres Teiman, ed. Kafah p. 52)

אי אפשי להאמין במשיחותו שהנביא אומר ״ומשלו מים עד אפסי ארץ״ והוא לא היה לו ממשלה... וכן הנביא אומר שבזמן המשיח ולא ילמדו עוד איש את רעהו ואיש את אחיו לאמר דעו את ה׳ כי כולם ידעו אותי וכו׳ ואומר כי מלאה הארץ דעה את ה׳ כמים לים מכסים ואומר וכתתו חרבותם וכו׳ ולא ישא גוי אל גוי חרב ולא ילמדו עוד מלחמה ומימי ישו ועד הנה כל העולם מלא חמס ושוד.
I cannot believe in his messiahship because the prophet says (Tehillim 72:8) "He will have dominion from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth" and he [Jesus] did not have dominion... The prophet also says (Yirmiyahu 31:33) "No longer shall they teach one another, or say to each other, 'Know the Lord,' for they shall all know Me..." And it says (Yishayahu 11:9) "The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." It says (Yishayahu 2:4) "they shall beat their swords [into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks;] nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." But from the time of Jesus until now the world is full of murder and theft... (Kisvei HaRamban vol. 1 p. 311)
- Bamidar Rabbah 11:2, "Like Moses, Messiah will be revealed, then hidden, then revealed again."
- "Moshiach [King Messiah] will thereupon rise up to Heaven just as Moshe [Moses] ascended to the firmament, and will subsequently [return and] be revealed completely for all to see. The entire Jewish people will then perceive him and flock towards him." From Arba Mei'os Shekel Kesef(page 68) ...written by Rabbi Chaim Vital, pupil of the Arizal...

A less well known is that some post-Biblical rabbis actually held much the same belief in Jesus. For example, a Midrash states, "The son of Rabbi Joshua ben Levi had a choking fit. He [Rabbi Joshua] went and brought one of the followers of [Jesus] to relieve his son's choking" (Midrash Rabbah, Ecclesiastes 10:4:1).And according to a Medieval rabbi, Menachim of Speyer, "A Christian may be permitted to heal a Jew even if he invokes the aid of Jesus and the Saints." Even Maimonides wrote, "Ultimately, all the deeds of Jesus of Nazareth . . . will only serve to prepare the way for the Messiah's coming and the improvement of the entire world" (Mishnah Torah: Hilchot Melachim U'Milchamoteihem 11:4).According to Luke, the common Jewish people flocked to Jesus. For example, the first 5,000 Christians were Jews (Acts 4:4)Nicodemus, a "leading Jew" hailed him as "a teacher who comes from God" (John 3:1-2). And Rabbi Gamaliel, a member of the Sanhedrin and later Paul's teacher, declared, "If [Christianity] comes from God you [members of the Sanhedrin] will not only be unable to destroy [it], but you might find yourselves fighting against God" (Acts 5:34-39) Elsewhere, the Sanhedrin itself concluded, "It is obvious to everybody in Jerusalem that a miracle . . . has been worked through [Christ's disciples] in public and we cannot deny it" (Acts 4:16).
Maimonides writes in the Mishnah Torah, "Jesus of Nazareth . . . aspired to be the Messiah and was executed by the court" (Hilchot Melachim U'Milchamoteihem 11:4). Also, the Talmud states:
"On the eve of the Passover, Jesus of Nazareth was [crucified]. For 40 days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, 'Jesus of Nazareth is going to be stoned because he is guilty of practicing sorcery and enticing the people to apostasy. Anyone who can say anything in his favor, let him come forward and plead on his behalf.' But since nothing was brought forward in his favor he was [crucified] on the eve of the Passover . . . Rabbi Ulla asked, 'Do you suppose that he was one for whom a defense could have been made?' [And then he answered his own question by stating,] No, because with Jesus of Nazareth it was different, for he was descended from the royalty." (Tr. Sanhedrin 43a)
Another point of interest in this Talmudic text is that it openly acknowledges Jesus to have been "descended from the royalty" (i.e., the Throne of David), which implies that He was a legitimate heir, in their eyes, to the office of Messiah -- and, furthermore, it was because of that very royal lineage that "a defense could not be made" on his behalf, as stated by Rabbi Ulla in the Gemara in question.
Shortly after Jesus announced that he was the "Son of God," He went to the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany. There He proclaimed the next stage of His vocation: "I am the resurrection . . . If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live" (Jn 11:25). Then, as if to prove this bold assertion, He raises Lazarus from the dead (Jn 11:43-44).
"Then the chief priests and Pharisees called a meeting. 'Here is this man working all these signs,' they said, 'and what action are we taking? If we let him go on this way everybody will believe in him and the Romans will come and destroy the Holy Place and our nation.' One of them, Caiaphas, the high priest that year, said, 'You don't seem to have grasped the situation at all: you fail to see that it is better for one man to die for all the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed.' He did not speak in his own person, it was as high priest he made this prophecy that Jesus was to die for the nation -- and not for the nation only, but to gather together in unity the scattered children of God. From that day they were determined to kill him." (Jn 11:47-53)."

"When God desires to give healing to the world He smites one righteous man among them . . . and through him gives healing to all . . . A righteous man is never afflicted save to bring healing to his generation and to make atonement for it."(Zohar 5:218a)
"[The] Messiah [ben Joseph] will . . . be slain and lay in the streets for three days. Then . . . the prophet Elijah will go and revive [him] . . . And in the hour when the Tribes of Israel will come forth, Clouds of Glory will go before them. And the Holy One, blessed be He, will open for them the sources of the Tree of Life, and will give them to drink on that day." (Otot HaMashiach)
"And then the Community of Israel communes with the Holy One, blessed be He, and that hour is a time of grace for all, and the King [Messiah] holds out to [Israel], and all who are with her, his scepter of the thread of grace so that they all may be wholly united to the Holy King." (Zohar 5:45a)
a Mishnah by Maimonides states,
"If a king will arise from the House of David [who] . . . gathers the dispersed of Israel [as Caiaphas believes Jesus could do], he is definitely the Messiah." (Mishnah Torah: Hilchot Melachim U'Milchamoteihem 4:11)
"In order to give all of mankind the option of living according to the Torah's precepts, the Lord offered it to each nation of the world. . .[Gentile] nation after nation refused to accept [it] . . . Finally, the Lord approached Israel: 'Will you accept my Torah?' . . . Not only were they willing to receive the Torah but they did so even before knowing what it contained." (Tr. Avodah Zara 2b)
Moreover, the same Gemara continues: "The Gentiles will eventually regret their decision and plead, 'Offer us the Torah again and we shall obey it.' But the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to them, 'You foolish ones among the peoples, he who took the trouble to prepare on the even of the Sabbath can eat on the Sabbath, but he who has not troubled on the eve of the Sabbath, what shall he eat on the Sabbath?'"
In other words, Gentiles are forbidden, by rabbinic law, from practicing Judaism because they rejected the Torah when it was offered to them. This belief was and is so strong that the Talmud and Midrash state: "If a Gentile is learning Torah or keeping the Sabbath in the manner of Jews . . . he is liable for capital punishment by the rabbinic court." (Quoted in Chaim Clorfene and Yakov Rogalsky, The Path of the Righteous Gentile, p. 42)
the proper observance of Torah for righteous Gentiles is "Noahism," in which they join the Community of Israel by following the "Seven Laws of Noah". It was within this belief system that the Jewish leaders brought Paul before the Corinth Tribunal, not because he taught Christianity, but because he taught it to the Gentiles in a manner that permitted them to worship as Jews. For that reason, I submit, and not because he taught Christ, they accused him of "persuading people to worship God in a way that breaks the law." This may have been another way of saying, "Paul is encouraging Gentiles to break the law by worshiping God as if they were Jews rather than Noahites."/ (Acts 15:1) 
DEAD SEA (Qumran) SCROLLS with Messianic overtones! Document 13 (11Q13) and 4Q521

Friday, March 20, 2015

out reach/ and other

Responce to the question:
"Let's say you gave a child that hadn't been influenced by their parents or surroundings ( impossible I know) about religion. You set them down when they where old enough to make rational decisions. Gave them the holy books and told them to decide for themselves. 
I think they would want to see some evidence besides just written word. What evidence would you supply for your religion other that it's true because God said so."

Just as the bible says I would ask them to test these things to see if they are true and not just pre judge. Apply the Word to their lives and see if you experience Evidence. Heb.11:1 "Faith is the Substance of things hoped for the Evidence of things unseen"! The profound evidence is Spiritual (self evident). Spirit is unseen physically other than by its effects and or fruits. Most people coming to the faith without spiritual eyes and ears (experiences) seek physical evidence so in regards to this i would 1) show them how Phy. science has Played catch up to the Word! 2) show them how Archaeology continues to document the storylines 3) Show them how PROPHACY continues to play out against all rational odds (Jews and Christians walk according to prophacy). 4) I would show them basics of study (properly dividing the Word/ So that Everytime they read The Written Word they see another (layer of) truth thus grow in it and have them discern if its feeding them spiritually 5) Ask them to discern how it impacts their life. The Word shows you the ways of life/death. It can show you how to be blessed or cursed. 6) I would suggest that Everything is subjected to it. It describes even its enemies (those who reject it) in better (more relevant) ways than they care to (acknowledge) themselves....

Responce to someone constantly asking about "G-D". This person keeps on with the questions its like a child that you answer the question then they say why. then you tell them why and they ask why,... Gavin you keep seeking the source and when you are told of the source you keep asking. I know your not intentionally trying to be rude but its rather simple His name is I Am That I Am, I will be(come) what (who, where that) I will be(come), I Am all and all unto u the self existing one. He doesn't need a creator or even a beginning. He Is It (the Source of all things). When i was like 9 or 10 i remember rotating around the concept (which men can do) and asking my Papa if G-d was in the beginning when was the beginning? Time is in relation to creation (to us) Not Him! Time is relative to space/distance (between two objects) in the scientific field of documented evidence and understanding. He created these too. He is All and All. He completes us and is the source. We see everything in a very limited view as men but he Is greater than all that. I hope you allow the simplicity of it all to flow and dont compound yourself with trying to relate him to carnal mindsets and conclusions. G-D is Spirit. GBU (Ps.90:2/ Jn.1:3)

Friday, March 6, 2015

kabba idolatry

will store more here on the subject feel free to leave comments showing historical and islamic documentation showing the idolatry that surrounded and surrounds kabba today

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The name made simple

There are many Hebrew titles translated to G-d. Examples: El, Eloah, Elah (aramaic), Elohim, Elyon, ... "Adonai" & Adon are word's for Lord which closely relates as well. Each title shows a specific relation. "HaShem" simply means "The Name" (the "Shem" and is used to mention G-d because shem means "name & character") in reguards to the Sacred name ( Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh pronounced :/AyHeYay Asher AyHeYay or E-Yah Asher E-Yah/ Yod Hey Vav Hey) which means: I Am That I Am,... I Will Be(come) What (That, Who, Where) I Will Be(come), I Am All & All Unto You, The Self Sufficient One. In short I Am /(ha)Yah

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

purim observances

Recording discussion:
An Israeli Purim costume poses a question of talmudic complexity -- what color is this dress?
Will Hindsman Im confused is a man dressed in womans clothing relative to the Tanakh ("Purim")? Perhaps i will be told im being to critical, to have a sense of humor.
Lisa Reiss It's a part of the traditions of observing Purim. Dressing up in costumes, satire, not knowing the difference between Mordechai and Haman, etc.
Will Hindsman Are there not set gender roles in the Tanakh? Is dressing like this (even by tradition) in relation to religion not an oxymoron? I am not trying to be obnoxious just honest questions
Hanokh Travis Eliezar Yes it is forbidden for a man to wear specifically female clothes (and vice versa for women). Many people will follow this prohibition on Purim as well, but one of the more significant scholars of the Middle Ages ruled that it is allowed as part of a Purim costume because the intention of the clothing is only for the celebration of Purim. Another important thing to note, is that this guy is clearly not a religious Jew...
Lisa Reiss Will, Purim is a unique holiday in many ways. We're also supposed to get drunk enough to not be able to tell the difference between Mordechai and Haman as part of the holiday's observance where otherwise, the Tanach repeatedly speaks against excess alcohol.
Will Hindsman Well then it seems Purim encourages people to stray from Hashem by traditions (of man) according to what im reading here 
Lisa Reiss No, Purim is observed as we are supposed to per the Tanach. I understand that it's particularly difficult for many Christians such as yourself to understand actual Judaism and our observances as opposed to what you think Judaism is. 

That whole 'traditions of man' thing is a Church/NT pejorative against Judaism. We Jews are just fine in following the path given to us by HaShem.

Will Hindsman I could also make claims that you dont understand Judaism but I rather not, Well can anyone show me bible verses that support what yall are telling me. I know the story of the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire is Commemorated with the modern day observances but i cant see any support in the Tanach where the people are told to set aside times to "Dress up costumes", to transgress gender roles, " supposed to get drunk enough to not be able to tell the difference between Mordechai and Haman "... These comments make it rather clear these are traditions, and celibrations, but where are the people told to do this?... You say the whole traditions of men" thing is a church pejorative (whatever that means) against Judaism. In the shema we are told to Put G-D first not to allow men to draw us away from observing Torah. Sounds like yall are justifying traditions Over the ways of Hashem. Honestly reminds me of Jer.17:5 & Deut.5:32/ Anyway Im all for celibrating and remembrance of victories of biblical history but I dont see how anyone calling themselves religious Jews can do this while embracing transgression of G-D's standards laid down in the tanakh. So I am not concerned about how you want to judge me. I see the Tanach as laying down the standard that was delievered unto Israel (Judaism) Not modern traditions. You have Takanot and so on so be it but when it goes against what you already were given you are clearly adding to (Deut.4:2/ Deut.12:32 / Proverbs 30:6 / Is. 29:13 ) what you were given which is a transgression in of of its self.Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Pro.3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding / Pro.1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction / Pro.14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Thanks for sharing anyways. Do what ya do and may you put all that you are into what you do.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

homo question answer

Anonymous Question was:Heres one- Why is homosexuality immoral?
(Dont answer "because God says so")
The world is "winning" this argument, for the sole reason of us not properly addressing the issue. (In my opinion)

Responce is: The prime reason for sex is reproduction and naturally that happens between a man and a woman. I dont care how you dont want us to answer. (There are gendar roles and women balance out men/ two become one/ man on man isnt balanced out and sexual relations thus are not "moral") Lust and love are two seperate things and homo sex is unclean and doesnt produce anything of value so the conclusion of it is just unfulfilled lust. Are some born this way Yes I believe so however G-d knew us before birth and I tend to believe Rom. 1 is right that this is an effect of being a self centered spirit when it comes to giving G-d thanks./ "Morals"- a person's standards of behavior or Beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do./ Yet you dont care what we see as moral or you wouldnt say "Dont answer because God says so". Many of us have morals that are centered around G-d's Word. Those that have no regurad for Him are often given over to these unclean lusts. So are you a homosexual Jacob? Seems your more intered in rationalizing and justifying it within your own mind (opinion). So I guess an answer based in self justification is better recieved by you than one centered around the standards of An Almighty G-D. Well so be it but you have no authority to push your views on us and tell us to discount G-D's Word. Can you tell me what is Moral about homoSexual (Lusts)? (Dont answer using the Word Love see how that works!) Men can love one another without lusting after one another. Jas.1:14-15
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

comeback... blah blah blah

The beginning of knowledge is the fear of G-D so until a homosexual, athiest,... begins to seek Him and truth (acknowledges SIN) its really vanity to have the discussion with them (they will only fuel their flesh/ they have no- biblical Morals, need to discipline themselves). btw there are all kinds of "churches" today. Those who condone and those who condemn homosexual Lifestyles. Those who acknowledge the Word of G-D IN CONTEXT and embrace discipline condemn it. Seek and ye shall find!Sharing on the subject should be done out of love. Those who Believe G-D will share truth on the subject out of concern (love). Also if one insists on fornication we are told to turn them over to Satan (accuser) 1 Cor.5:5 Some people need chastisement and some need to hit rock bottom before beginning to look up/  Anyway, The reason I type G-d in this way is out of the upmost respect. Those familure with and who use Hebrew Know that there is a Hebrew word pronounced the same as "god" that in fact does not mean G-d but rather refers to a enitity (weather physical or spiritual) that is a "troop" which can be postitive or negative. The pronunciation depends on the vowel point (The Niqqud) thus we type out G-D in this way to show we mention G-D in relation to the universal language yet to show we dont use it in a context that is blasphemous (in Hebrew). It also helps us to identify each other when in such fields as Facebook.

 if we were meant to be with the same gender then we could procreate with that gender...our natural design makes this fact and therefore we are meant to be with the opposite sex not the latter. Hopefully what one chooses reflects their Morals