Saturday, January 24, 2015

responding again 1 allah

I answer this question so many times its becoming repetitive but I will do it again. First off those who lean unto the English "G-d" and those who lean unto just the Arabic "Allah" don't do the subject justice. Seems every time muslims mention "G-d" they apply it to Allah (Elah in aramaic) which means THE G-D and cant be applied to everywhere the bible says G-D, G-d and or g-d. Biblically and more specifically in the Hebrew we have MANY titles translated as G-D, G-d and or g-d each title showing a specific relation (context). Examples are: El, Eloah, Elah, Elohim, Elyon,.... I wont go into each one of these. First off NONE of the titles (nor the sacrid name) relate to humanity or flesh but rather to a Spiritual Authority. The titles that translate to G-d that Biblically apply to Yeshua (Jesus) are Elohim (Hebrew) and THeos (Greek). Theos (Greek) is basically the same as saying Elohim (in Hebrew) yet the Greek isn't as detailed on this subject as the Hebrew. Theos is the NT (Greek) title used. ANYWAY, Elohim simply means (that which is precieved as) Divine Authority and Judgement and applies includes ALL instruments of It. Thus it applies to The Almighty G-D and all that are instruments of his will. Examples: Angels, Messiah(s), Prophets, Priests of Israel, Apostels, and any who are sent forth in the Spirit to do the will of Hashem are (members of) Elohim (divine authority and judgement). Both the Jewish Tanakh (Ot) and the "Nt" (Brit Chadashah) say Ye are Elohim (speaking to those in covenant) Quoted by Yeshua. The order of authority is the head of woman is man the head of man is Christ and the head of Christ is YHVH. Thus when one of the disciples said unto Yeshua "My Lord and my G-d" the text in the Nt says my "Elohim" NOT my Elah, or El Shaddai meaning THE G-D or Almighty G-D but rather one higher in divine authority and judgement. Jews knew this concept well. King David said "The LORD (Adonai/YHVH/ El Shaddai) said unto my Lord (Adon- Lord as IN the earth/ in realtion to creation) For the spirit to interact in the physical In a Physical way a vechile is used. We as men use the vechile that is our flesh for our spirits to interact in the physical in a physical way. When you mention Yeshua you do it in one of two ways 1) son of man- thus relating to his humanity and physical being and or 2) son of G-D- which has nothing to do with his humanity but rather his spiritual postion (authority) given him of The Almighty Father (YHVH.). Yeshua made this rather clear in Many ways in many places! when asking his disciples who do You say that I AM the responce was "son of the living G-D" The Mashiach (Messiah). His responce was this is not "carnal knowledge" But is revealed to you by my Father (in SPIRIT). Thus you cant begin to understand Mashiach with a carnal mind (based in the physical) Mashiach (Messiah) means ANOINTED ONE. He said of himself: "He who believeth on me believeth not on me but he who sent me" and he who seeth me hath seen the Father." I clearly said what he meant when he said he who seeth me seeth the Father- He was speaking of his actions (fruits) which are Spirit. Spirit is unseen (physically) and liked unto the wind. You cant see the wind (nor the Spirit) you can only see its effects (fruits). These things are Spirit (unseen yet exsist) Love, Hate (Envy, Intelect, Faith (Heb.11:1)),.... So Is Yeshua G-d? Yes he is Elohim(Theos) yet this doesnt mean he is Elah (The G-D). The ONLY place Yeshua is called YHVH is when he was in Spirit ONLY (Gen.18:1) those who have spiritual eyes and ears let THEM understand! Interestingly enough in Arabic to say Allah simply means The G-D thus if you have an arab that has a single idol that he believes is The G-D then naturally he can call this idol Allah and we see this happened throughout History. For bible believers we are told G-D is SPIRIT and they who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth. Every title we use points to Spiritual Authority not man or humanity. The Authority that is Elohim came IN the flesh of Yeshua. Note "IN"! well i think thats enough for now but i will say one more thing. The biblical concept of Yalad (Begotten) Son (Ben) of G-D isnt relative to the physical offspring of physical relations which is what Muhammad was using when he said Allah isnt begotten nor does he begate. Muhammad was using the Physical sense of these terms which they are not limited to thus he didnt actually contradict The Word of G-D (The bible) for someone with wisdom. Yet I still see him as a false prophet. Good Day. To each his own

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