Thursday, July 17, 2014

short mono

This is a short version (review) of the blog Monothiestic Elohim which documents all these points and MORE.
 Not a single word that is translated as G-d relates to the physical flesh. To speak of G-D is to speak of a Spiritual authority. Yeshua (Jesus) like all men have both a physical body and a Spiritual body. To mention his physical being is Not to mention The Almighty G-D but rather a Temple Of G-D or ("son of man") To mention his Spiritual auth...ority (anointing of the Father) you can apply Two of the many terms that are translated to "G-d" they are Elohim (Hebrew) and Theos (Greek) which in lamemans terms means instrument of divine authority and judgement / messenger of G-D. Its a common stumbling block for simple minds of all Judaism, Christianity and islam not to be able to seperate Spirit from flesh when it comes to RECOGNIZING messiah. Christ himself asked his disciples who do men say that i am.. thay started listing prophets then he said but who do YOU say that I Am. They said the Messiah (son of G-d meaning one who carries the name and character of G-D) and his responce was this is not carnal (based in the physical) knowledge but it revealed to you by my Father. ZWe are told throught the bible that G-d is Spirit and Not man in Many ways. Christ said he came not to do his own will (that of his flesh) but that rather the will of G-d. THAT will is divine and is the essence of Elohim (Theos). Christ said of my self I can do Nothing. He said he that believeth upon me believeth not in me but he who sent me and he who seeth me seeth not me but he who sent me... he went on to make it clear he was speaking about observing his fruits NOt his physical body (flesh/ image)and again his fruits were that of the will of G-d. He said my fruits testify of me)Christ is the ONLy ONE to Alway submit to the will of G-d. It is said in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with G-D and the Word was G-d Jn 1:1 then it goes on to say Jn1:14 that The Word was "made" flesh. If you simpley look at the greek word for made you see it means to come to pass and rendared as such 82 times in the kjv. That is the context of "made" so why did G-d use (need) flesh for his Word to come to pass? Its called atonement of the blood which ws fulfilled in Yeshua and was the reason he came in the flesh (heb.2:14) and thus you see how all scripture agress. Yeshua is also called Emmanuel which means G-D (divine authority) with us. How can this be? (stay Spiritual with me!) well messiah means annointed! Yeshua (the Hebrew name of "Jesus" means salvation OF Yah. Adon is Hebrew for Lord as IN the earth and in relation to creation but we know Hashem himself isnt limited to being within his own creation thus you have Gen.1:27 which mentions THE Man (1st and 2nd man) we are told the 2nd man is the Lord from Heaven (Messiah). Heb.1:1-4 makes it clear that there is ONE "person" (not 3) to the Godhead and the word translated to "person" is essence Thus to claim 3 would be to say G-d has split personality and or is three seperate beings/ That is blasphemy). You also have Is.9:6 which speaks of Messiah and it says there (which many people fail to understand) that his SHEM- name/CHARACTER is called Everlasting Father which again simpley means He comes in the CHARACTER OF Hashem To do HIS WILL. Christ is Elohim (divine judgement) *IN* the flesh Col.2:9! Sadly carnal minds think of "Jesus" and only consider a physical man Not his Spiritual Postion of authority (anointing). Thus they struggle to make sense of scripture and resort to adding new terminology such as Trinity which isnt biblical and or 3 persons to G-d which is polythieism. No can say Christ is Lord cept by the Spirit.

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